How to Style Multi Select and Single Select Filters in Custom Portal?

I have a number of multi select and single select filters in a custom portal and I’m attempting to change the default styling (background color, text color, spacing, etc.). Is there a way I can use CSS to do this?

The dev team could chime in with a more comprehensive list, but here are the custom formatting components that we have found so far to customize the multi-select and single-select filters:

Multi-select classes
.multiselect-container → outer container (background)
.p-multiselect-toggle__selection → header label
.p-multiselect-toggle__selection-list → selected values next to header

Single-select classes
.p-select-filter-toggle__collapse → outer container (background and label)
.p-select-filter-toggle__expanded → header background when list expanded

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Here’s a standard Select Filter block in Custom Portal:


Here’s the same Select Filter block in Custom Portal with some basic CSS styling:


Here’s the CSS applied to this specific block:


.p-select-filter-toggle__collapse {
    background-color: #fa225b;

.p-select-filter-toggle__expanded {
    background-color: #fa225b;

Note the rules for the collapse and expanded classes.

You could also use a variable from the theme:

The Theme Settings on the selected Theme would include:

    "--color-primary": "#fa225b",

And the CSS on the block would include:

.p-select-filter-toggle__collapse {
    background-color: var(--color-primary);

.p-select-filter-toggle__expanded {
    background-color: var(--color-primary);