Mitto v2.9 Sneak Peek - JDBC Input

A common question we get is can Mitto pipe data from database technology XYZ?

In Mitto v2.9, the answer is now yes as long as that database technology has a JDBC driver (spoiler: most do).

High level steps for using the JDBC Input:

  1. Download and install the database’s JDBC driver on the Mitto server
  2. Determine JDBC specific configuration values (location of jar file(s), driver class, connection url, etc)
  3. Create a Mitto IO job using the JDBC input

Below are some example Mitto IO job inputs for the database technologies users are already connecting to in the field thanks to the Mitto JDBC input:

  • PostgreSQL - using JDBC isn’t necessary for PostgreSQL but this shows the concept
  • AS400
  • IBM Informix

PostgreSQL JDBC Input Example

    "input": {
        "use": "jdbc.iov2.input#Input",
        "driver_class": "org.postgresql.Driver",
        "jar_files": "/usr/share/java/postgresql.jar",
        "connection_url": "jdbc:postgresql://{server}:{port}/{database}",
        "credentials": {credentials},
        "query": [
            "SELECT * FROM {schema}.{table}"

AS400 JDBC Input Example

    "input": {
        "use": "jdbc.iov2.input#Input",
        "jar_files": "/opt/jtopen_10_4/lib/jt400.jar",
        "driver_class": "",
        "connection_url": "jdbc:as400:{server}",
        "credentials": {
            "user": {username},
            "password": {password},
            "database_name": "AS400DB",
            "translate binary": "true",
            "naming": "system"
        "table_name": "{table_name}"
        "query": [
            "SELECT * FROM {table_name}"

IBM Informix JDBC Input Example

    "input": {
        "connection_url": "jdbc:informix-sqli://{server}:{port}/{database}",
        "credentials": {credentials},
        "driver_class": "com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver",
        "jar_files": "/opt/IBM/Informix_JDBC_Driver/lib/ifxjdbc.jar",
        "query": [
            "SELECT * from {table_name};"
        "table_name": "{table_name}",
        "use": "jdbc.iov2.input#Input"

The JDBC input leverages Mitto v2.9’s database credentials improvement.

Disclaimer: Content discussed in this thread is subject to change pending product release.